Korea H2
Business Summit

Brand Identity

  • KOREA H2 BUSINESS SUMMIT is a consortium of 15 companies leading the domestic hydrogen economy. The consortium aims to promote hydrogen economy activation and achieve carbon neutrality through collaboration among its member companies. It facilitates cooperation in hydrogen businesses, as well as discussions on collaborative strategies to drive the expansion of the hydrogen economy and enhance the competitiveness of the hydrogen industry. The consortium's logo is designed to signify its role and vision as a hydrogen business hub.

    KOREA H2 BUSINESS SUMMIT 은 국내 수소경제를 주도하는 15개의 기업들로 구성된 수소기업협의체입니다. 협의체는 회원사 간 수소사업 협력 추진은 물론 수소경제 확산 주도 및 수소산업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 협력 방안 논의를 통해 수소경제 활성화와 탄소중립 실현을 목표로 합니다. 협의체 로고는 수소 비즈니스 허브로서의 역할과 비전을 담아 디자인되었습니다.

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